The Humanity of the Pastor

Anyone who desires the office of an overseer desires a good thing. (1 Tim 3:1)

I am not a pastor. But I am very close with my pastor and my father is also a pastor. I have seen them both in times of joy and in times of sorrow. The call to pastor is to walk faithfully through both seasons of encouragement and discouragement, to faithfully lead their flock to the true shepherd, Jesus Christ. The glory of Jesus Christ in the gospel must be the lasting motivator for pastors as they continue to daily shepherd their flocks.  

Though I have not been a pastor myself, one thing I have seen throughout my life is that pastors are also humans. This may be an obvious statement, but what I mean by this is that they too need the grace of Jesus. They too need forgiveness. Yes, they must live above reproach and continually hold the qualifications of an elder, but they will sin, and they will need their congregation to forgive them. A church will be greatly helped if they better understand the humanity of their pastor.  

I wrote this poem to my father and my pastor to encourage them as they lead their flock to Christ. May this be an encouragement to anyone who is under a shepherd to better understand the humanity of their pastor. And may this encourage any pastor to continue to depend on Jesus as they point their flock to the true shepherd.

The Humanity of the Pastor  

The uniformity of human corruption  

All fallen in Adam into destruction

The church redeemed through Christ  

All now live through His life.  

The member, deacon, pastor compile  

The saints of Christ saved from defile  

The church desperately needs his grace 

As they long to see his glorious face 

The pastor leads his gentle flock  

To find refuge in the eternal Rock  

See him there in the congregation  

Preaching Christ for their spiritual formation  

Preaching Christ and proclaiming Christ 

 Declaring, “Come buy!” without price 

 Yet needing Christ for his very life  

Waiting for the day of his heavenly flight.  

See the pastor studying the Word  

But all forbid he sin against the herd  

Many forget he too is a sinner  

Longing to find rest by the peaceful river 

See him there with his family  

Leading them in joy and calamity  

Being faithful to point them to Christ  

Throughout the trials of this life

See him there with his wife  

Seeking to love her like Christ  

Yet needing His grace saying,  

” I will fail, but He will remain.”  

See him there by his lonesome  

Hoping his saints become like the Son  

His outer body wasting away  

His inner man renewed day by day

The pastor: faithful, sinner, saved  

A sinner who was once depraved 

 Bought by the blood of Jesus  

Given a new heart and now he leads us

The pastor, worthy of imitation  

The pastor, preaching justification  

He is merely a pointer to the Light  

Saying, “Press on brother, through the fight!” 

See the pastor above reproach  

Dressed in His righteous clothes 

 Yet still a sinner in need of grace  

Desperately longing to see His face 

See him in the homes of the saints  

Those precious hours he will not waste  

Giving to all who need his care  

Praying for all yet also needing prayer

See him there in the streets  

He will be bold, he will not retreat  

Yet often lacking boldness to the task  

“Help me, Lord! I need you!” he asks.  

See him there a sinner yet saved  

Not perfect, yet faithful by grace

See him there faithful and new  

Pointing to the One who is faithful and true  

The pastor: faithful, sinner, saved  

See him there nearing the grave  

Waiting to hear those blessed words, 

 “Well done my good and faithful servant.”  

I see him there, the Great Shepherd 

 Up to Your glory none have measured 

 Your perfect righteousness is all my plea 

 I now join with all to worship on bended knee.