The Unworthy Given; Living Life in New Hope

Christ’s power, not ours, is the source of the believer’s sufficiency and perseverance.

Not every recruit is ready for battle the day they are enlisted into the military. All soldiers need to be adequately equipped for the battle ahead. Before a soldier is deployed for their mission, they undergo rigorous training both physically and intellectually. They need to be physically prepared and weathered to endure treacherous conditions on the battlefield. They also must be sufficiently studied in the tactics of the enemy. These are imperative for the success and welfare of each soldier.

But what about their gear? Don’t they need boots? And trousers? And armor vests? Shouldn’t they have weapons? And food? And a helmet? Of course, before soldiers go, they should receive everything they need to do their best to win the war.

Given All Things

In this life, Christians are not left unprepared for the battlefield. Even in the hardest trials or persecutions, God does not leave us to ourselves. Peter tells us that we have been granted all things pertaining to life and godliness. ALL things. Not just a few things, not just a little bit of help, but true hope and sustaining divine power through Christ. In the same way, soldiers are given what they need for the battlefield, and Christians are mercifully granted the means to live a godly life in each situation.

As Peter was most likely in prison before his execution, he writes a beautiful letter to some Christians called 2 Peter. He specifically addresses it to, “those who have obtained a faith…by the righteousness of our God and Savior Jesus Christ”. But then for the weary, beaten down Christian, comes some of the most beautiful words, “His divine power has granted to us all things that pertain to life and godliness”.

Christ’s power, not ours, is the source of the believer’s sufficiency and perseverance.

Peter unveils to believers that not only does God call them into a covenant relationship with Him by faith, but He also divinely grants all they need for life and godliness! Meaning Christ’s power, not ours, is the source of the believer’s sufficiency and perseverance. In this life, we have been given all we need. We need nothing other than what has been given to us by Christ. Our eternity is secure. We will persevere and grow because we have received everything necessary to sustain eternal life through Christ.

He has also granted us everything that pertains to godliness. Meaning he has granted us everything we currently need to sustain godly living.

Properly Equipped

We are not soldiers that were left on the battlefield without proper equipment. By God’s grace, we have been given everything we need to endure. He knew calling sinners would be messy. Therefore, He gives His children their daily bread in Christ.

Peter continues to exhort believers by telling them this divine power and grant is, “through the knowledge of him who called us to his own glory and excellence”. By knowing Christ and having a close relationship with Him, we can be, “more diligent to confirm your calling and election” (2 Peter 1:10).

Take Hope

Today, Christian, take hope! Your power is insufficient for the task, but God has granted you all you need through the knowledge of His Son. Remember Paul’s words, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” 2 Cor. 12:9. In your weakness, in your striving, in your lowliness, the gentle Savior reaches down to restore, confirm, strengthen, and establish you (1 Pet. 5:10).